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with Anna ZEIBIG

 4 Hours      $250.00

Friday January 5th 2024

Saturday January 6th  2024

10 am - 2 pm

​Classes are subject to minimum enrolment numbers being met.

Anna Zeibig is a visiting jewellery artist from Budapest, Hungry.  Under her guidance students will learn how to create their own ​jewellery using Mitsuro Hikime wax.


Mitsuro Hikime [roughly translates to honey (mitsu) wax (ro) drawing (hiki) texture (me) ]  and is a centuries-old blended wax technique, dating back over 1,300 years in Japan. Mitsuro Hikime differs from other wax-cast work as it has a much lower melt-point than regular jewellers wax, and is warmed slowly within the hands to become malleable; distinctive striations can be formed by pulling and folding the wax into itself.  These characteristics of the material allow you to work more spontaneously to create flowing sculptural forms by hand with unique textures and surface effects.

This class is suitable for complete beginners and jewellers who would like to add to their existing skills.  Students will receive an introduction to the process of preparing the wax, maintaining correct temperature, techniques for manipulating the wax by hand to create particular forms and textures, placement of sprues for casting, and discussion of different casting and finishing options. 

Note:  Anvil Studios can arrange for these pieces to be cast and finished for you if you wish or experienced jewellers may like to do this themselves.   

Students will need to bring a plastic container with a lid for taking home their finished waxes involved in paper towels.

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